AI is replacing art

So apparently there is an Al generation tool for creating music. I found out about it today. It’s called Suno, Hindi for listen (same in Bengali, which caught my attention). With a few words entered into a bar, you can create a song with discernible (though questionable) lyrics and very convincing vocals, all generated by AI. There are several more tools like this being released, in fact.

I think we’ve officially crossed into a dystopian world where Al is replacing the three key forms of art: music, writing, and graphic art.

Sure more people have access and ease of generating more content (so-called democratisation) but I don’t think just anyone should have the ability to create art if you’ve not spent the time and effort to learn it and appreciate it.

We’re already seeing this with Al generated essays, articles, and pictures all over the Internet. What was once done by a budding graphic design artist with the collaboration of human beings, is now being replaced by bland images of algorithms devoid of any emotion or heart.

Access does not mean quality. Access to something so personal and creative like art creates degradation and devaluation. I may sound like a snob but it’s true. It’s simple economics to attach less value to something generated from fewer resources, time, and money.

We’re giving up the joys of creating art for the sake of efficiency and maximising shareholder value. Sounds so nice!

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