Book Review – The Expatriates

Author: Janice Y. K. Lee

Genre: Contemporary fiction

Date published: 12 January, 2016

I live in Hong Kong. So when I heard that Nicole Kidman was getting exempt from the terrifying 21-day covid hotel quarantine us normies had to go through back in 2021, I was furious. Why did she get exempt? To film a TV series based on The Expatriates by Janice Y. K. Lee.

I had to go through this ordeal, so why not a famous actress too? And that, is the first thing you learn about being an expat or international student or any foreigner: the discrimination, both in the good way or bad way.

What would it be like to be an expat in Hong Kong then? The Expatriates gives us an idea.

A brief summary

The Expatriates introduces us to Mercy, Hilary, and Margaret, three American women whose lives and struggles intersect in the bustling city of Hong Kong. Mercy was a Korean-American, struggling both financially and existentially. Hilary was a housewife, struggling with infertility. Margaret was also a housewife and mother of three, struggling with grief. The three women know each other and their lives intertwine, having consequences for all.

All our main characters have struggles. Mercy is an Ivy League graduate but every single one of her actions spells disaster. She tries to navigate the city trying to find meaning in her life. Hilary considers adopting a local child but doesn’t know what to do with the language and cultural barrier of it all. Finally, Margaret tries to come to terms with her loss and grief, while focussing on her remaining family.

While all these women’s lives collide, we learn the intricacies and nuances of living as an expat in one of the most glitzy cities in the world. While struggles can divide, the main characters find solace in forgiveness and understanding.

My thoughts

I have lived in several different countries and regions over the short tenure of my life. I’ve been an expat and international student in several places. And each time the experience would be new, but some aspects of being a foreigner stays the same no matter the country or continent.

I thought the book captured the essence of living in Hong Kong beautifully, from the dripping air conditioners to the systematic classism. But being an expat means living in a bubble, away from all that ‘local’ stuff. This is how it feels to be an expat, and it’s the same everywhere. The book noted this amazingly well.

However, the pacing of the plot could have been better. Sometimes it felt way too drawn out, and sometimes things moved too fast. Some of the character’s actions also felt cartoonish and unauthentic. But then human beings are so unpredictable, this is forgivable!

Overall, I think the author did a great job. It went dangerously close to soap opera territory but managed to stay afloat with a good plot. I wonder how the plot would change with the political events and effects of covid from the past few years in Hong Kong!

I rate this book:

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